Why Does Gold Feature In So Many Slot Games?
Some elements crop up in slot games a lot more often than others. For example, you might spot gold on the reels of plenty of slots, no matter what the theme might be. We got to wondering why that is so. Why is gold used such a lot, and could it mean anything for you?
Gold equals riches
Gold is worth a good amount, so finding it in a slot game is generally a good omen too. Oftentimes, gold will appear as one or more of the higher-paying symbols in a game. For example, you might find gold coins, gold bars, and other gold items appearing as the higher-paying icons in the paytable. Some games use gold as the theme and develop it from there.
It's nice to see gold appearing on the reels
Every slot game has a color scheme, even if that scheme consists of various colors. If gold is used as a theme, it will appear more often than it would if it appears as part of another theme.
For example, if you are playing a slot game based on Irish luck, you will undoubtedly find a pot of gold while you are playing. Find a few of them and you are heading into bonus territory, or at least securing a nice few coins for your trouble.
We are all familiar with gold
Have you ever played a slot game where the icons are hard to figure out? Some of them are either very detailed or are obscure enough that you don't know what they are.
That's not the case with gold. Everyone knows what gold coins, gold bars, and other gold jewelry items look like. As such, software developers tend to have a lot of fun adding these to the reels.
Will you have a golden time playing some of these slot games?
Let's hope you do. If you spot a game featuring the word gold in the title, or using gold in some other way, check out the paytable before you play. This will reveal whether the gold featured in that game has any value if you win prizes associated with it. You can then decide whether you have found a golden game that will be fun to play.
One thing is for sure, though - you are bound to keep seeing gold in slot games for the foreseeable future.