Aussie Sports Bookie Keeps Having Bad Luck with Its Advertisements

One of Australia's newest online betting platforms, Neds Sportsbook, has made a bad start when it comes to advertising. During its short existence in the industry, the betting entertainment brand already has had to deal with not only one, but even two banned commercials.

Just recently, the ASB (Australian Standards Bureau) concluded that one of the sportsbook brand's commercials was not in line with the rules for advertising. In that commercial, a man walks into an elevator that is full with people. Once inside, he activates every floor button and then grabs his mobile phone to give the Neds Sportsbook platform his full attention.

It turned out that ASB was not very pleased with this particular commercial. According to this organization, the ad promotes a way of gambling that is too excessive. The man with the mobile phone wanted to spend as much time as possible on wagering at the platform, and thus he decided to let the elevator go to every floor in the building. In the end, Neds had no other choice then to bow its head and make sure that the ad would no longer be accessible at the brand's website and its YouTube channel.

Not the First Time

Unfortunately, it is no not the first time that the sportsbook operator has had to deal with a commercial that was no longer allowed to be shown. Shortly before this most recent incident, it was decided by the Australian Standards Bureau that an advertisement about some house builders was inappropriate. According to the ASB, the advertisement was wrong because the builders seemed to give priority to being active with gambling instead of with the actual task of building a house.

The Challenge of Creating Acceptable Advertisements for Sportsbook Platforms

Neds has developed a couple of advertisements for its young brand so far, and all of these ads have made the Financial Counseling Australia unhappy in some sort of way. However, luckily for the sportsbook brand, not all of its commercials have received a ban from the ASB. The bureau has given the company some breathing room in some occasions. However, as a result of the recent bans, Neds Sportsbook will probably be extra cautious when it decides to launch another of its advertisements on the market. After all, a complaint is easily made, and a banned commercial is a waste of time and money.